let this be the healthiest season of your life!

Free Guide: 3 Ways you can support your platelets naturally 

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Life wasn't always this easy...

Battling ITP made me feel like I was trapped on a roller coaster!

I was diagnosed with ITP at 28 years old. It felt like being on a Merry-go-Round that was stuck on a roller coaster track!  Platelets go up…platelets go down…we see our doctors…and we do it all again next week! I felt like my stress level and my mental well being were tied to how fearful I was of a drop in my platelet count. Which is to say, I lived in fear every day. 
I lived on steroids. Some treatments helped short term. Some didn’t help at all.   Removing my spleen was a complete failure.  I made the choice to try alternative treatments.  It was a long road, but I was able to get my platelet count into the normal range…REMISSION!  
My journey doesn’t end there.  Unfortunately, my immune system still needed a lot of help.  I still was falling ill with every seasonal bug that went around. My platelets were “normal”. But I still didn’t consider myself “healthy.” I dedicated myself to researching natural ways to support my immune system. 
It took time, but eventually, my persistence paid off. A few months after implementing new lifestyle changes, I made it through an entire fall-winter season without falling ill - something that hadn't happened in years! That was just the beginning. I now live confidently, no longer fearing that every germ will take me down or that not having a spleen will be my downfall.
Looking back, there are so many things I wish I had known 20 years ago when I was first battling ITP. I'm certain that with the right knowledge and tools, I could have achieved remission faster and spared myself much of the suffering.
I'm on a mission to empower others with the invaluable lessons I've learned – to guide them out of the darkness and into a future of vibrant health and plentiful platelets! You don't have to remain in the dark about overcoming autoimmune disease any longer. I'm here to share the steps that enabled me to take control and reclaim my freedom.

I CAN help you find freedom & wellness!

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Every week, I share a new recipe, DIY hack or bit of inspiration to help health warriors find balance in and take measures to take back their health! 


My favorite way to:
* Increase energy
* Reduce pain
* Support healthy blood & platelets
* Reduce inflammation!

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