Reduce Stress By Living the Simple Life

Reduce Stress By Living the Simple Life
Hi there. 
I’m Nina. Welcome to my brand new blog! I’m so excited you’re here! This will be a place where we can connect and do life together! I’m an open book…I love to share how I live life post-autoimmune disease.  Yup…I’m an autoimmune survivor. In 2003, I was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune condition. Long story short, western medicine failed me and I turned to alternative treatments. It was a long road to remission, but I haven’t had an autoimmune episode in 16 years!

Four years ago, my husband and I took a huge leap of faith and moved from the city to the country. We left the hustle and bustle of Southern California for the peace of the Pacific Northwest. We left our traditional jobs and started a ministry. Life has certainly been VERY different! We work from home in the most beautiful corner of the world. Rather than sitting in gridlock traffic daily and longing for trips to the beach, I have time to garden, hike, bake bread, and help others learn about how to support their health naturally. 

I do many things to support my health in order to stay in remission! I believe simplifying my life and reducing stress has been helpful for my immune system. Stress takes a toll on our overall wellness…I believe a toxic level of stress was the original trigger for my autoimmune disease.

I’m a realist…you might not be able to sell everything you own and move next door to cows and chickens…lol! It’s ok if you don’t even want to! Reducing stress and simplifying life can look like many different things.

* It can look like saying, “No" to new commitments when your schedule is full.

* It can look like reveling in simple pleasures like a quiet cup of tea or a delicious cup of coffee.

* It can look like taking a bit of time for yourself to do something you enjoy…a walk…a yoga class…read a chapter out of your favorite book.

* It can look like clearing clutter from your home to simplify your environment.

* It can look like starting the day with prayer and spending time in God's Word.

Being intentional about reducing stress can be difficult at first. The more we do it, the better we get at it...kind of like exercising a muscle.  But it is critical to our heath!  The stress hormone, cortisol, actually weakens our immune system when it stays heightened for long periods of time.  Reducing stress actually strengthens our immune system!

What are some measures you take to simplify your life?

Want to learn some more ways to support your immune system naturally?  I have a free guide for you!  
Click the link and I'll send it right over!