People used to make “New Year” resolutions.  Now, it seems, that the word “resolutions” has developed a negative connotation. We’ve stopped deluding ourselves into believing that that diet or gym membership is going to get our attention after a few weeks.  Research shows that it often takes only 32 days for the average person to break their resolutions; but 68% report giving up sooner than that!  (Reported by the New York Post.)

I was recently chatting with client and I mentioned the upcoming new year.  She almost freaked out a little when she *thought* I was asking her about a resolution!  I had to clarify….”I mean…what are you looking forward to for the new year!?” I asked.  We chatted about things we would like to do and places we would like to go in 2023.   It feels much less daunting to talk about looking forward to things than to make the proverbial “resolutions” that will point a shameful finger at us in the mirror us when we break them.

I’ve always preferred to create *goals* for the new year.  I recently listened to someone I find highly motivational.  She had a format for making goals in various areas.   She included: physical health goals, lifestyle goals, and spiritual goals.  She suggested making 3 goals for each area.  The 3 goals are sort of a “tiered” system.  As a teacher, it reminded me of “scaffolding”….making incremental steps, in order to reach a higher goal.  

PHYSICAL HEALTH – This isn’t just a weight loss goal!  How do you want your physical health to be different (improved) one year from now?  Do you have an area of struggle regarding your health that you would like to take steps to improve?  Pain management?  Exercise?   More energy?  Reducing inflammation? Healthier eating habits?  (Hmmm….could that be a lifestyle goal…??  Some seem to cross over into other categories!  LOL!)

LIFESTYLE – What would you like your lifestyle to look like one year from now?  Would you like a different job?  Would you like to homeschool your children?  Are you in need of freedom in an area of your life?   Financial freedom?  Time freedom?  Slowing down your pace of life?  This may look like clearing physical clutter…or clearing scheduling clutter (tasks that need to be taken off of our “to-do” list!)

SPIRITUAL – What would you like your spiritual life to look like one year from now?  Do you desire growing closer to The Lord?  Would you like to read your Bible more…or pray more…but haven’t decided how to carve out the time?  Is it on your heart to serve your community in a new way?  Start a Bible Study?  Lead a ministry group?  Start a non-profit?  (Don’t be afraid to think BIG…we’ll get to that in a moment!)

The first step in each area is to create a “REALISTIC” goal.  A realistic goal is something we know we can attain if we put our time and our focus into it.  It is the kind of thing we know “how” to do….we just aren’t doing it.

The second step is to create a “STRETCH” goal. This is approximately 10% bigger than your realistic goal.  It requires you to *reach* a little further!   It may seem a little out of your comfort zone.  It may seem a little scary.

The third step is to create a “DIVINE INTERVENTION REQUIRED” goal.  This is a goal that may seem like pipe dream.  It is a desire of your heart…but you have NO IDEA  how it is going to happen.  It is going to require GOD to step in and step up.  That’s ok….in fact…it is awesome!  Go ahead and talk to God about it!

I’m still working on my goals.  My physical health goals include continuing to train in martial arts…this has been a struggle for me since my Sifu passed away in 2014.  This actually dovetails with my lifestyle goal.  Having the time to dedicate to Kung Fu requires an amount of time freedom in my schedule.  My spiritual goals include continuing to study the Bible and teach from books I haven’t taught before.  My goals are a work in progress…but you have a glimpse into what I’m looking forward to for 2023!  

I’m such a visual learner, I have created a 1 page guide for using this goal setting framework!


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