There is a saying that goes, “The journey of one thousand miles begins with one step.”  -Lau Tzu

If you know me, you know I'm all about being healthy....

But here's the truth: I wasn't always this way!

Even when I was diagnosed with autoimmune disease in 2003, I had no intention of changing my lifestyle! I was so blessed to have found the Chinese herbs that brought me into remission. But, it would be another 10 years before I started the journey to clean living!

What sparked it for me? Tana Amen's book, "The Omni Diet". Gary & I were familiar with the work of her husband (Dr. Daniel Amen), who had spoken at special education symposiums & addiction medicine conferences. When we learned his wife was in charge of the nutrition for all of his patients, we were all in! So we started eating clean, cutting out gluten, dairy, refined sugar, corn, & soy. I began to feel better than I had I years! I actually wrote a longer blog post about this and you can check it out here:   Gluten Free Blog Post

Then, I wanted to add essential oils into my life! I found essential oils that could support my immune system, balance my hormones, manage stress, and release sore muscles. Again, I began to feel even better! Best decision ever!!

Not too much later, I started to learn how the chemicals in my home & personal care products were harming my health (disrupting the endocrine system, etc). I felt like it had come full circle. When I struggled with autoimmune disease, I believed we were living with environmental toxins that were a contributing factor, but I didn't believe I had any control! I finally realized that I can control what is in my home & I began to switch for healthier options a little at a time (cleaning supplies, shampoo, lotion, makeup, etc.) It definitely was a journey that took many months….baby steps were the key!

I'm fierce about my health because I know what it feels like to NOT be healthy! I'm compelled to share because I HATE disease & if I can help one person feel better, it's all worth it!

I would love to connect with you…are you on a health journey? Have you been diagnosed with ITP or a chronic illness?? Have you taken baby steps to reclaiming your health?  Click the LET'S CONNECT button below so we can continue the conversation!


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