We might be tempted to ask the question: Are whole grains good or bad for our health?

Perhaps, we are asking the wrong question.  
Instead, let’s ask: Could going grain-free help my health?

Are you struggling with: digestive issues, allergies, chronic pain, autoimmune disease, or any other illness that could be aggravated by inflammation?  If so, I’m going to encourage you to consider taking grains out of your diet for a period of time and notice how you feel.  

  • GLUTEN – The truth is, no one’s body can digest gluten.  The havoc it wreaks will be different for everyone.  Some people have no “apparent” issues.  Some people experience digestive discomfort and bloating.   Some people will experience inflammation and flu-like symptoms (this happens to me every time I consume too much gluten…I literally get a fever!)  Gluten is the first thing you should eliminate from your diet if you are struggling with your health!
  • RICE (& OTHER GLUTEN FREE GRAINS)– Good news!  Rice is gluten free!  Most people who cannot tolerate gluten, CAN tolerate rice.  Many gluten free products (pasta, bread, etc) include rice flour.   However….rice is a grain.  Some people, who are sensitive to all grains, may not be able to tolerate rice.  My husband is a perfect example of this.  We have been living a gluten free lifestyle for many years. However, when he eats rice (or any other “gluten-free” food that contains rice flour), he gets bloated, his sinuses start to drain, and his respiratory system fills up with mucous. At times, he even feels an asthma attack coming on.  
  • CORN – Another gluten free grain.  Except…the majority of corn grown in the US is genetically modified and filled with pesticides. There are so many reasons to NOT eat corn. I won’t bore you. Cut out as much as you can….and save it for the times when you really need a taco!   LOL!
Try it and see how you feel!  Eliminate all grains for two weeks and see how you feel.  Add grains back in one at a time (rice, wheat, etc), and notice if your body has any undesirable reaction. Your reaction might NOT be related to digestion!  You might notice a flare-up of pain, a reduction in energy, etc.  

If you’d like to know more about a “healthy reset” protocol that cuts out grains and reduces inflammation, click below:


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