I was diagnosed in 2003 with a platelet count of 2k. Drs tried prednisone, win Rho, chemo, IVIG, Rituxan, & splenectomy. Splenectomy didn't work at all. Prednisone helped, but wasn't a long term treatment option. Long story short, I decided to try alternative treatments. I found a protocol of Herbal supplements that were formulated specifically for ITP by doctors who were trained in both Western medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine. 
 It wasn't a quick fix. Natural treatments tend to take longer than pharmaceuticals. It took about 1 year to get into remission. In hindsight, since I didn’t make any other lifestyle changes at the time, it is very possible that’s why it took so long for the herbal supplements to be effective.
Although the herbs helped me achieve remission, I made many lifestyle changes later which I attribute my staying in remission. To be honest, if I had NOT made these changes, I don’t think I would still be healthy 17 years later!
* I changed my diet and removed foods that cause inflammation (gluten, dairy, refined sugar, all processed food).  It is a commitment to “eat real food”, but I feel so much better.   I have come to realize that gluten causes me full blown inflammation indicated with a fever, body aches, and extreme fatigue. I found an anti-inflammatory protocol that has been extremely helpful.
* I removed cleaning products & personal care products from my home that contain harsh chemicals & artificial fragrances. There are so many things lurking in our homes that we don’t even think about.  I got really good at reading labels:  sodium laurel sulfate, parabens, “fragrance”.  These all disrupt the endocrine system (hormones), cause cancer, and keep us sick!
* I started using essential oils for many things such as managing my stress, balancing my hormones, and supporting my immune system.  I realized that, for every essential oil I could use to support my health…there was something in my cupboard I could get rid of that had a toxic ingredient. It was a win/win!
I developed this website for sharing info and encouraging other "wellness warriors". 

I have a Facebook group you can join for free.  

Make sure you check out other blog posts.

My "helpful links" page has the info on the Chinese herbs and other products I recommend.

Grab some info on my favorite anti-inflammatory protocol.
 Schedule a free consultation!


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