Even after 18 years in remission from ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura), one thing still blows my mind - the vastly different perspectives of western and eastern medicine on the root cause of this autoimmune disease.
Western doctors claim there is no root cause; that for some unexplained reason, the immune system simply "flips" and starts attacking the platelets. But traditional Chinese medicine sees it completely differently. TCM believes there is NOTHING wrong with the immune system itself. The problem lies with the platelets - they have become "sick" and toxic. So when the immune system destroys these tainted platelets, it is simply doing its job properly!
What could cause platelets to become toxic in the first place? Anything from built-up pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, heavy metals or other contaminants in the body can create this toxic state.
Let that sink in - there may be NOTHING wrong with your immune system! This contradicts everything we've been taught about autoimmune conditions. It calls into question the standard approach of suppressing the immune response and boosting platelet production. If the platelets themselves are compromised, then suppressing immunity won't fix the issue. And producing more tainted platelets won't solve it either.
Eastern medicine believes the path to true healing for ITP lies in restoring the health of the platelets themselves. This involves removing toxins from our environment and bodies, while infusing our cells with proper nutrients and bloodstream purification.
If you're one of the many struggling with the challenges of ITP, and the idea of a holistic, detoxification-focused approach resonates with you, I invite you to book a consultation. Together, we can explore ways to remove toxins from your environment and body through diet, lifestyle, and natural remedies. My goal is not to promise a cure, but to be a guide and support system as you seek to restore balance and create an internal environment where platelet health can thrive naturally. The path to healing begins with simple steps towards greater wellness.


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