If you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, it is very likely you’ve been told by a doctor that there is no known cause.  That is what happened to me.  In 2003, I was diagnosed with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura.  (A rare condition where your immune system attacks the platelets in your blood).  The very word “Idiopathic” literally means, “We have no idea why this happened.”

But I knew….I knew in my heart exactly what had happened.  STRESS!   Toxic Levels of Stress!  At the time, I was going through a divorce.  To say it was a “difficult time” would be an understatement.  I was in therapy.  My counselor said I was “depressed”.  The truth is every time my phone would ring, my heart would race, my stomach would drop, and I couldn’t bring myself to answer it or check the messages.  I was so filled with constant anxiety, I had a hard time eating and I lost a significant amount of weight.  My family was worried about me.  Just as I was finally putting the pieces back together, BAM!  Autoimmune disease struck me!

I didn’t realize it then, but I had undergone a traumatic experience.  I began to wonder if there was a link between trauma and autoimmune disease. Of course, not everyone who experiences a traumatic event will end up with an autoimmune disease.  However, the more people I talked to who had been diagnosed with autoimmune illnesses also seemed to have experienced some sort of trauma….a sexual assault…loss of a spouse…loss of a child…  I knew people who had suffered these traumas and struggled with various autoimmune conditions.  

It turns out, I was on to something.  Although current research doesn’t prove that trauma is a direct cause of autoimmune disease, it can be shown that extreme stress does cause physical changes in the body.   Severe stress can raise the body’s cortisol levels which can cause inflammation and impair the immune system.  The immune system can be so out of balance, it can be both underactive in some ways and overactive in other ways at the same time! It could potentially trigger the onset of an autoimmune condition you may be genetically predisposed to.  

My ponderings cause me to wonder:  If the domino effect of stress and trauma could be the root cause of an autoimmune disease….  Is it possible to reverse the physical condition by healing the trauma and managing our body’s response to the stress?

I’d love to hear your thoughts!


Are you in need of a budget friendly way to get chemicals out of your laundry and household cleaning routine?  

Are you struggling with your health and you would like to make some small changes that will make a large impact?

I’ve got an amazing hack for you!

I’ve shared this recipe with so many people recently, I wanted to put it here in the blog for you, too! The truth is, there are so many carcinogenic and endocrine disrupting chemicals in laundry soap, fabric softener, and dryer sheets.  These chemicals cause cancer, mess with our hormones, and other body system functions.  Think about it….if we wash our clothes and our sheets in chemicals…and wear our clothes on our body all day…and sleep on our sheets all night…we are exposed to those chemicals 24/7!  
If our goal is to use less chemicals in our home, laundry is a great place to start! Also…the hack I’m going to share is also going to take care of all of your other household cleaning too!  

One bottle of my favorite laundry soap, plus one bottle of my favorite household cleaner will take care of ALL of your laundry and household cleaning needs for over 6 months!   Of course, that is relative, depending on how many loads of laundry you do each week.  For the sake of numbers, I do approximately 5-6 loads of wash each week.   (I also use extra soap because I have extremely hard well water…country living can be a blog post for another time…lol!)

Here's the hack:
  • Take that bottle of laundry soap and split it into three 32oz pump bottles. (Amazon link for the bottles below.)
  • Next, add 3 capfuls of the Household Cleaning concentrate to each pump bottle.
  • (Save the rest of your Thieves cleaner  for your household cleaning…you’ll have plenty left over!)
  • Fill each bottle with warm water and mix.
  • For each load of laundry, add 3-5 pumps of your homemade solution.
  • Don’t forget to SWAP your fabric softener and dryer sheets for some wool dryer balls!!
I could bore you with numbers, but here’s the condensed version:
One bottle of Thieves Laundry soap $33.25 (@ discounted price)
One bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner $25.50 (@ discounted price)
(Check below for links to purchase)



After making your laundry solution, use your household cleaner for the rest of your cleaning needs!  Yup...that includes: bathrooms, kitchen, counters, floors, even the cutting board!  One capful of cleaning concentrate will make a 16 oz spray bottle when filled with water.  

Want another math equation?  When diluted, that 16oz bottle only cost you approximately $0.85!  That’s cheaper than shopping at the Dollar Store (which isn’t even $1 anymore…lol!)

It is easy to look at the cost of any one premium product and worry about what “seems” like a high price tag. These specific products are so concentrated, you get MUCH more value for your money than shopping at the store. And, I promise you, your health is worth it!

I would be honored to come alongside you and be your “wellness warrior coach”.  When you make a purchase using my ordering link, you get me by your side to answer all your questions, hold your hand, and take those baby steps together!

This bundle includes everything you need to make a clean sweep of your cleaning products!
**Make it a Loyalty Rewards order and you will receive points on your purchase and a FREE diffuser in your 2nd order!
*As an Amazon affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.



There is a saying that goes, “The journey of one thousand miles begins with one step.”  -Lau Tzu

If you know me, you know I'm all about being healthy....

But here's the truth: I wasn't always this way!

Even when I was diagnosed with autoimmune disease in 2003, I had no intention of changing my lifestyle! I was so blessed to have found the Chinese herbs that brought me into remission. But, it would be another 10 years before I started the journey to clean living!

What sparked it for me? Tana Amen's book, "The Omni Diet". Gary & I were familiar with the work of her husband (Dr. Daniel Amen), who had spoken at special education symposiums & addiction medicine conferences. When we learned his wife was in charge of the nutrition for all of his patients, we were all in! So we started eating clean, cutting out gluten, dairy, refined sugar, corn, & soy. I began to feel better than I had I years! I actually wrote a longer blog post about this and you can check it out here:   Gluten Free Blog Post

Then, I wanted to add essential oils into my life! I found essential oils that could support my immune system, balance my hormones, manage stress, and release sore muscles. Again, I began to feel even better! Best decision ever!!

Not too much later, I started to learn how the chemicals in my home & personal care products were harming my health (disrupting the endocrine system, etc). I felt like it had come full circle. When I struggled with autoimmune disease, I believed we were living with environmental toxins that were a contributing factor, but I didn't believe I had any control! I finally realized that I can control what is in my home & I began to switch for healthier options a little at a time (cleaning supplies, shampoo, lotion, makeup, etc.) It definitely was a journey that took many months….baby steps were the key!

I'm fierce about my health because I know what it feels like to NOT be healthy! I'm compelled to share because I HATE disease & if I can help one person feel better, it's all worth it!

I would love to connect with you…are you on a health journey? Have you been diagnosed with ITP or a chronic illness?? Have you taken baby steps to reclaiming your health?  Click the LET'S CONNECT button below so we can continue the conversation!

How did I know I was sensitive to gluten and dairy…?

How did I know I was sensitive to gluten and dairy…?
It was by chance, really!   Here’s the whole story…
Have you heard of Dr. Daniel Amen?  His name is becoming more popular and you may even have come across some of his information through social media.  Ten years ago, the neither the mainstream (nor alternative) health community had really heard of him!  As a special education teacher, I had heard him speak at a special education symposium.   He talked about special needs learners and brain development.  I purchased one of his books and ran home to tell my husband who this “brain doctor” was!   Not too much later, my husband (whose field of expertise is addiction medicine), heard Dr. Amen speak at an addiction conference.  Dr. Amen is a neuro-psychiatrist who uses functional SPECT scan imaging to diagnose brain issues.  (My inner nerd LOVES learning about brain science!)  

One day, my husband tells me, “You know that Dr. Amen?  His wife was a trauma nurse and now designs nutritional plans for his brain patients.   She wrote a book.”  The words, “She wrote a book!” were music to my nerd-y ears!   I wanted to know everything she had to say!  At the time, we believed our son was struggling with ADHD and the fact that we may be able to help him with changes in nutrition was something I was immediately on board with.  I immediately jumped on Amazon and grabbed her book, “The Omni Diet” by Tana Amen.  She walks through the science behind gluten, sugar, dairy, corn, and soy and teaches what each of these foods does to our body and brain.  The second half of the book is filled with recipes that became like a Bible to me!

Here’s what I DID NOT do:
  • Cheese:  I can’t eat that
  • Pasta: I can’t eat that
  • Corn: I can’t eat that
  • Milk: I can’t drink that (not even in my coffee)
  • Bread: I can’t eat that (no more sandwiches)
Here is what I DID do that made it work for us!  

I meal planned before each grocery shopping trip.  I chose a few recipes from “The Omni Diet” book.  I put the ingredients on my shopping list.  I started small….a couple new recipes each week…while we went through and finished the other pantry items I would no longer use.  After all, I’m too frugal to do a clean sweep and THROW AWAY all of my bread, pasta, hamburger helper, etc.  Each week, I chose a few more recipes.  Some recipes called for ingredients I had never even heard of!   (Have you ever actually used fenugreek? Lol!)  I realized the recipes I was making were so delicious, that I didn’t miss spaghetti, tacos with flour tortillas and shredded cheese, or some of the other “staple” meals I had been used to. We were eating beef stroganoff, Asian Fusion salad, salmon burgers with a gluten free bun, hearty chicken soup, etc.  


A few months after shifting our nutrition and being free of the gluten, dairy, sugar, corn, and soy, I realized something.  Prior to the nutrition shift, I had often experienced feeling like my immune system was fighting “something”.  I often felt like I was fighting a virus with a low-grade fever and body aches.  Since I don’t have a spleen (I lost it in my autoimmune disease battle), I was trained to be aware of fevers that could indicate infection. These fevers never turned into anything…they would go away and I was left to believe that I had “gotten over” whatever I was fighting.  After the nutrition shift, the fevers and body aches STOPPED!  I felt excellent and full of energy!  The next time I ate gluten…fever and body aches!  LIGHT BULB MOMENT!!  The gluten actually causes systemic inflammation in me that results in a fever and flu-like symptoms!  
It has been almost ten years since our family changed our eating habits. It has been beneficial for all of us in different ways.  What about the dairy?  After eliminating dairy, I stopped having unexplained stomach cramping and digestive discomfort (I'll spare you the bathroom!) I can have small amounts of dairy (a scoop of ice cream, a piece of cheese...) and be ok.  But I can tell if I've had too much. 

I have other cookbooks and recipes I love.  I find many online resources.  I often recommend Danielle Walker’s “Against All Grain” cookbook because it is also home to some of my favorite meals!  

Last year, I found an anti-inflammatory protocol I have come to LOVE!  It combines anti-inflammatory foods and a powerhouse supplement.  I'd love to share some more information:

Grab your copy of "The Omni Diet" by Tana Amen:  The Omni Diet

My other favorite cookbook is "Meals Made Simple" by Danielle Walker: Meals Made Simple

*As an Amazon affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases*


Who doesn’t love a delicious mug of hot chocolate in the winter?  
Did you know I am a self-identified chocoholic?  Almost ten years ago, I changed my diet and cut out the majority of dairy and sugar. (There’s a long story for another time…LOL!)  Of course, I feel WAY better. My immune system is stronger. But….what did I do about the hot chocolate dilemma?  Those little packets you mix with water are full of sugar and chemicals.
After some searching, I found an excellent recipe!  This has become my go-to for my family!

  • 2 cups Almond Milk
  • 1 Cup Coconut Milk
  • 3-4 Tbsp Maple Syrup
  • ¼ Cup Cocoa Powder
  • ¼ Cup Dark Chocolate Chips
Heat milk and maple syrup in a pan on the stove.  Once hot add cocoa powder. Whisk to mix the cocoa powder into the milk.  Add in the dark chocolate chips and whisk.  

* Substitutions for personal preference…. Use any kind of non-dairy milk you prefer.  I love vanilla unsweetened almond milk and canned coconut milk/cream for this recipe.  You could substitute raw coconut sugar for maple syrup.  Use your favorite kind of chocolate chips!  (There are brands that offer dairy free and sugar free options.) I love Ghirardelli brand 60% dark chocolate chips.  They do have a bit of dairy and sugar. You could omit the chocolate chips completely if you prefer.

* Take it to the Next Level …add your favorite extract or food-grade essential oil.  Peppermint hot chocolate!  Orange hot chocolate!  So many delicious options!


PS…I’d love to know if you try this recipe!  Drop me a note or tag me in your social media post!

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