How I'm Healing From Medical Trauma

How I'm Healing From Medical Trauma
A while back, I shared a blog post about THE LINK BETWEEN TRAUMA AND AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE

I discussed my own traumatic experience and how I believe it is what triggered my autoimmune disease diagnosis.  However, what about the other side of the coin?  

What about the trauma we experience when we battle a chronic illness?  

Because of other life experiences, I’ve read a bookshelf of books related to trauma.  A few years ago, I realized I was probably experiencing trauma related to having a chronic medical condition.  Even though I have been in remission for 17 years, I have come to DREAD the annual blood tests and check-ins with the doctor.  It’s as though every cell in my body remembers what it was like to sit in the hematologists office and wait for the numbers to come back. 
My head would swim with:
* What would my platelet count be?  
* Was this day going to end in victory, or defeat?  
* Would I be rescheduling my life for more treatments…medications with awful side effects…?  

The moments ticked by as I waited for the Doctor to return to the exam room with the results.  

Trauma triggers are real!   I now go to the outpatient lab to have my blood drawn.  My mind still swims: Will THIS be the day 17 years of remission comes crashing down? Have I noticed any symptoms that would indicate my platelets have dropped? A bruise? A patch of petechia (broken blood vessels)? With newer technology, I actually have to wait longer to get my results. Rather than the doctor running labs in his office and returning in a few minutes, I must go home and wait for the results to get uploaded into the medical chart app and I will receive an email alert.  I can’t stand the wait and I don’t breath a sigh of relief until I can see the lab results, which usually only takes a few hours. It feels like eternity.

I believe we can heal from medical trauma.  I have found some strategies that help me get my emotions in check before I go to my appointments.  I grab two my favorite essential oil blends.  One helps me feel more confident.  The other helps me relax and release my stress.  I apply them in the car before I go into the medical center.  I am continuing to work with other aromatherapy protocols to help my body and mind release the medical trauma that sometimes continues to bother me.
If you are struggling with overwhelming emotions regarding a medical condition and you’d like some tools for emotional support, Let’s stay connected!  



PFAS stands for “per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances”. They are synthetic compounds used to make coatings and products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease, and water. They can be found in many types of products:
  • Non-stick cookware, often in the form of Teflon
  • Non-stick food wrappers (fast food), microwave popcorn bags
  • Stain resistant furniture
  • Flame resistant clothing
PFAS and PTFE chemicals can also be found in personal care products such as lotions, cosmetics, sunscreen, shaving cream, etc.  They often get added to create a smooth, shiny texture on the skin.

They have earned their nick name!
  • They do not break down in the environment.
  • They can move through soils and contaminate drinking water
  • They can build up (bioaccumulate) in our bodies!
Studies show that the buildup of these chemicals in our bodies can cause:
  • Hormone disruption including Infertility
  • Thyroid disfunction
  • Immune system issues
  • Liver damage
  • Various forms of cancer (Kidney, prostate, etc)
According to the CDC, fluorinated chemicals contaminate the bodies of nearly all Americans. They have determined that there is NO safe level for what our bodies are able to handle!  Honestly, it makes me wonder if “forever chemicals” could have played a role in my autoimmune disease, infertility, hormone issues, etc.  

  • My home has been Teflon-free since introducing pet parrots to our family.   Perhaps a blessing in disguise, I learned that parrots’ respiratory systems are incredibly sensitive and the chemicals from non-stick cookware is immediately toxic to them.  I quickly got rid of my cookware and now cook almost exclusively on stainless steel.
  • I have replaced all of my personal care products (shampoo, shower gel, lotions, etc) as well as cosmetics with plant based products that are infused with pure essential oils.  When I got tired of reading labels on *every single product*, I found a company whose ingredients I trust!
  • I don’t happen to eat fast food or microwave popcorn. However, while down the rabbit hole of research, I realized that parchment paper also contains the same chemical treatment!  I cook a lot on parchment paper…because I don’t want to be baking on non-stick cookie sheets!   Sheesh…what’s a crunchy mom to do?   I tried the “unbleached and certified compostable” parchment paper.  Guess what…? It sticks!  LOL!  I guess that is a good sign that it isn’t treated with forever chemicals and I’ll just have to deal with it!


It’s funny how a random social media post can spark a conversation that warrants a blog post…lol!   

Is Peanut Butter “bad” for our health?   Why are so many health-conscious people switching to other nut butters?

If I said that peanuts are not technically a nut because they are a legume, you might be thinking, “So what…?  Aren’t legumes (beans) supposed to be a healthy source of protein…?”  True…so the fact that they are not a nut isn’t actually the problem.

The problem lies in how they are grown and stored.  Peanuts are susceptible to a particular kind of mold that causes a toxin called “aflatoxin”.   Aflatoxin is a highly toxic carcinogenic.  That means it causes cancer!  The liver is the main organ targeted by aflatoxins.  Long term exposure to low doses of aflatoxins can cause serious health problems.

Peanuts are high in Omega 6 fatty acids.  In excess, Omega 6 fatty acids can cause the body to produce pro-inflammatory chemicals.  These types of fats are found in many vegetable oils such as: corn oil, soybean oil, and sunflower oil. These can contribute to the growth of prostate tumor cells and increase the risk of developing high blood pressure in people with diabetes.

A healthier solution would be to eat tree nuts rather than peanuts and use nut butters such as almond or cashew rather than peanut butter. Nuts and seeds can be a fantastic “grab & go” snack that are packed with protein and Omega 3 fatty acids.  To put it simply….Omega 3’s help our heart, brain, and body function well and protect us from disease.  Of course, it would take another blog post to list all of the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids for our health!

When enjoying nuts and seeds, opt for raw rather than roasted.  There are many healthy fats in raw nuts such as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, etc. When roasted, the healthy fats become oxidized. Although raw nut butters can be more difficult to find, I often purchase raw almond butter from Trader Joe.  I love making a trail mix with raw cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, and dried wolfberries (aka: goji berries.)

As a side note….Wolfberries contain a compound called Ellagic Acid which can de-activate the cancer causing aflatoxin!  

Want to chat more about healthy snacks and the health benefits of Wolfberries!??  Make sure you click below!


Years ago, I used to struggle with extremely dry, itchy skin on my legs.  The doctors treated me for eczema. They gave me steroid cream. They gave me non-steroid cream.  Unfortunately, my eczema bothered me from my ankles to my hips….the entire length of my legs!  I felt like I could itch until I literally would scratch the skin off my legs.

I tried to find lotions and salves to sooth my skin and keep it from itching. Many of the thickest “healing” ointments contained petroleum.  (I didn’t know better, so I used them).  Many of the lotions contained fragrance.  (I didn’t know better, so I used them also.)

I started using essential oils to create healthier skin care products. I decided to make a DIY body butter.   I no longer wanted to use any product with petroleum because it disrupts the endocrine system and messes with your hormones.  I no longer wanted to use any product with “fragrance” because it contains chemicals that can cause cancer. I began using my soothing concoction and it helped!   But my eczema wasn’t gone…

Over the course of the next couple of years, I made many other lifestyle changes.  
  • I stopped using any personal care products that contained hormone disrupting ingredients or artificial fragrance.  
  • I switched my laundry soap for a plant based detergent that contained no harsh chemicals or fragrance.  
  • I stopped using fabric softener and dryer sheets; and opted for wool balls with essential oils.  
  • I also focused on some internal cleansing, cleansing my liver of heavy metals and any other toxins my body may have been holding onto.  
  • I learned that our skin is an outward manifestation of what our body is doing on the inside!
My skin hasn’t bothered me in many years!  I didn’t intentionally set out to “fix” my eczema.  I can’t give credit to any ONE thing.  Although there may be ways to sooth irritated skin, my experience is that we need to look at our environment very closely for ingredients in products that can harm our health.  We may need to cleanse our bodies from the inside out in order to truly help our skin.

If you are struggling with dry, itchy skin and want to check out my soothing body butter recipe, click here:  

If you would like to connect and chat about other ways to support your skin, click here:

If you would like to connect to my free group and receive encouragement during your wellness journey, click here:


There are so many things I wish I knew back when I was battling autoimmune ITP.  I wish I had someone to hold my hand and clue me in to the things I had to figure out for myself.
I hope I can be *that* person for you…
I’m going to be dedicating some blog posts to “The Things I Wish I Knew”!
What I wish I knew #1 - I'm the boss of me!
All joking is REALLY important that we realize our Doctor (GP, hematologist, etc) is our *partner*....not our boss!
I apologize in advance if I'm offending anyone here! I know some people feel *most* comfortable following *all* of their doctors "orders". I believe that western medicine conditions us to desire being told what to do.  When we agree (without question or concern) to do something someone in “authority” tells us, we are giving away our empowerment and our responsibility to ourselves.
Please don’t misunderstand…I am in NO way suggesting that you don’t take your doctor’s advice.  What I AM saying is that we DO need to take charge of our health and advocate for ourselves. We need to get comfortable asking questions, voicing our concerns, and making decisions together with our health care providers.
Personally, I might not be here if I had taken my doctor's recommendation to take 3 chemotherapy medications without having a spleen! I kept searching for other options and asking questions until I was comfortable with a treatment. It happened to be an alternative treatment.
I had an excellent relationship with my hematologist. He listened to me. I would go to my appointments with a pad of paper full of questions! He would answer all of them with compassion and grace. He knew my feelings about side effects from certain treatments (things that messed with my hormones & fertility). Together, we put them "at the bottom of the list". He partnered with me. When I chose alternative treatments, he respected me & kept monitoring my blood work even though Traditional Chinese Medicine was completely outside his scope!
It can feel scary at first, but it is so important that we advocate for ourselves!! Your doctor works for YOU! Don't be afraid to get a 2nd opinion or change doctors if you need someone who is more in alignment with your individual needs!

I would love to invite you to join my free "Wellness Warriors" group.  It is a place where we can gather and offer encouragement to each other during our journey.  Click on the link below for a personal invitation!

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