How I'm Healing From Medical Trauma
A while back, I shared a blog post about THE LINK BETWEEN TRAUMA AND AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE

I discussed my own traumatic experience and how I believe it is what triggered my autoimmune disease diagnosis.  However, what about the other side of the coin?  

What about the trauma we experience when we battle a chronic illness?  

Because of other life experiences, I’ve read a bookshelf of books related to trauma.  A few years ago, I realized I was probably experiencing trauma related to having a chronic medical condition.  Even though I have been in remission for 17 years, I have come to DREAD the annual blood tests and check-ins with the doctor.  It’s as though every cell in my body remembers what it was like to sit in the hematologists office and wait for the numbers to come back. 
My head would swim with:
* What would my platelet count be?  
* Was this day going to end in victory, or defeat?  
* Would I be rescheduling my life for more treatments…medications with awful side effects…?  

The moments ticked by as I waited for the Doctor to return to the exam room with the results.  

Trauma triggers are real!   I now go to the outpatient lab to have my blood drawn.  My mind still swims: Will THIS be the day 17 years of remission comes crashing down? Have I noticed any symptoms that would indicate my platelets have dropped? A bruise? A patch of petechia (broken blood vessels)? With newer technology, I actually have to wait longer to get my results. Rather than the doctor running labs in his office and returning in a few minutes, I must go home and wait for the results to get uploaded into the medical chart app and I will receive an email alert.  I can’t stand the wait and I don’t breath a sigh of relief until I can see the lab results, which usually only takes a few hours. It feels like eternity.

I believe we can heal from medical trauma.  I have found some strategies that help me get my emotions in check before I go to my appointments.  I grab two my favorite essential oil blends.  One helps me feel more confident.  The other helps me relax and release my stress.  I apply them in the car before I go into the medical center.  I am continuing to work with other aromatherapy protocols to help my body and mind release the medical trauma that sometimes continues to bother me.
If you are struggling with overwhelming emotions regarding a medical condition and you’d like some tools for emotional support, Let’s stay connected!  


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